Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

A Procedure How to Teach English through Situational Language Teaching

Procedure SLT (Situational Language Teaching)
Teacher:    (holding up a watch) Look. This is a watch. (2x) (pointing to a clock on wall or table) that’s a clock. (2x)
This is a watch. (putting down watch and moving across to touch the clock or pick it up) This is a clock. (2x)
(pointing to watch) That’s a watch. (2x) (picking up a pen) This is a pen. (2x) (drawing large pencil on blackboard and moving away) That’s a pencil. (2x)
Take your pens. All take your pens. (Students all pick up their pens).

Teacher:    Listen. This is a pen. (3x) This. (3x)
Students:    This. (3x)
A student:    This. (6x)
Teacher:    This is a pen
Students:    This is a pen. (3x)
Student:    (moving pen) This is a pen. (6x)
Teacher:    (pointing to blackboard) That’s a blackboard. (3x) That. (3x)
Students:    That. (3x)
A student:    That. (6x)
Teacher:    That’s a blackboard
Students:    (all pointing at blackboard) That’s a pencil. (3x)
Student:    (pointing at blackboard) That’s a blackboard. (6x)
Teacher:    Take your books. (taking a book himself) This is a book. (3x)
Students:    This is a book. (3x)
Teacher:    (placing notebook in a visible place) Tell me . . .
Student 1:    That’s a notebook.

You can now begin taking objects out of your box, making sure they are as far as possible not new vocabulary items.
Large objects may be placed in visible places at the front of the classroom. Smaller ones distributed to students. Then, you can practice that with your students. (Davies et al. 1975:56).